Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Paperwork Against the People

Nathan King                                                                                                                          4-10-2013
Paperwork Against the People
       This article by Rob Horning is about paperwork and how it has gotten to the point where it is frustrating for most people. At first paperwork was supposed to be helpful for people to get more organized and to keep important documents. Nowadays paperwork has just made things more complicated and everything important is turned into paperwork for someone to handle. Even during the French Revolution (when paperwork was said to have started) paperwork was seen as menial and it would just undermine "the revolution as a justification for dictatorship."
       I think that paperwork can be overwhelming and boring but i also think that is needed to keep organization in companies and schools for example. Today more and more paperwork is being transferred to computers which saves trees but people still have to file and manage it. But, there is no doubt that paperwork is extremely important.  
       In the article in the link a couple has had legal issues when they failed to provide "adequate documentation about a mortgage they claim to own and service." This shows the importance of keeping track of paperwork and which ones are which. 
        On the other side of the arguement paperwork is frustrating and that is shows by this picture of the person behind the mountain of paper at his/her desk. In my opinion this representation of paperwork leads people away from a job that may include it. It is also portrayed in movies such as Office Space (a satirical film about the life of an office worker) where the main character is asked if he has done the same paperwork by many of his co-workers who deeply annoy him. 
       Paperwork is something that no ones wants to do but it must be done in order to stay organized.